Diagnosis FAQs

In this article:

Why isn’t there a diagnosis available for my patient’s encounter?

This can happen for a variety of reasons, including: 

  • A diagnosis is not yet available from the admitting facility or organization. Diagnosis information may be delayed in the Emergency Department while providers establish a diagnosis.
  • Some data elements are missing for your patient.
    • We incorporate additional data elements into our matching algorithm before we share the diagnosis. You will not be able to see your patient’s diagnosis if you have not provided the patient's zip code or SSN information.
  • Diagnosis information is not yet available for manual admitting facilities. 
  • The diagnosis is sensitive (e.g., HIV, STI, genetic testing).
  • The admitting facility or organization did not share diagnosis information with PatientPing

Where can I see my patient’s diagnosis? 

You can see your patient’s diagnosis in the following places: 

  • On Pings
  • On the patient card
  • In the patient profile

I am a manual admitting facility, can I provide diagnosis information for my patients? 

This feature is not available at this time.

Is my patient’s diagnosis available in my exports? 

Yes, every export will include the following 4 fields:

  1. Diagnosis Description
  2. Diagnosis Code
  3. Diagnosis Category
  4. Subsequent Diagnosis Code

Can I see my patient’s secondary and tertiary diagnoses?

Bamboo Health will show all of the diagnosis information available for a given encounter in the patient’s profile.

Can I filter my patient roster based on diagnosis? 

Yes, in your saved filters panel, you can narrow your patient view by filtering by diagnosis. 

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