Manage your Bamboo Health account

Having trouble accessing your account? Follow the step-by-step instructions below for help!

In this article:

Password Reset
You can reset your password at any time by entering your username, then selecting the  forgot password? link on the Bamboo Health login screen, at
  1. Visit and enter your username (email address).
  2. Hit continue to visit the login page, then select Forgot Password
  3. Create a new password that meets all the requirements, then click Submit.

  4. Within the email, select click here, or copy and paste the full link into your browser to reset your password.

  5. Once you press Submit, an email will be sent to you from with the subject Reset your password.

Account Unlock

Your account can be temporarily locked for either of the following reasons:
1. You’ve entered your password incorrectly too many times
2. You try to sign in after 180 days of inactivity

Regardless of the reason, we'll send you an email prompting you to reset your password by following the steps below:

1.  Bamboo Health will send you an email with the subject line Unlock your account from
2. Within the email, select click here, or copy and paste the full link into your browser to reset your password.
3. Create a new password that meets all the requirements, then click Submit
Expired Password
As a security precaution, Bamboo Health requires you to update your password every 90 days. You can reset your expired password by following the instructions below:

1. Visit and enter your username (email address).
2. Hit continue to visit the login page, then select Forgot Password
3. Once you press Submit, an email will be sent to you from, with the subject Reset your password.
4. Within the email, select click here, or copy and paste the full link into your browser to reset your password.
5. Create a new password that meets all the requirements, then click Submit.
Disable Account
If you need to deactivate a user account, please contact us at so we can make the appropriate changes for you.  

I Can't Reset my Password
Having trouble with updating your password? Try these quick troubleshooting steps!

  1. Clearing the cookies and the cache of your browser. Here’s a quick guide on how to do that in each main browser.
  2. Trying a different browser.

If you continue to have trouble accessing your Bamboo Health account, please do not hesitate to reach out to

Note: If you have any additional questions you can view our on-demand guided training resources here
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